Facial washes and makeup removers
Shop face wash and makeup removers - get great offers and discounts on the best Egyptian products
Showing 48 products
1. Oily Skin Cleanser 200 ml: Rich in zinc, biotin, tea tree oil, and aloe vera. It works on deep cleaning and purifying the skin pores with a feeling of softness and freshness. Regulating sebaceous secretions. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory....
سيباكلار Gel Cleanser 200 ml + Toner 200 ml - SEBACLAR Oily Skin Cleanser 200 ml enriched with zinc, biotin, tea tree oil, and aloe vera works to deeply cleanse and purify the skin's pores while providing a feeling of...
Deer lotion for oily skin and skin prone to the appearance of pimples. It works to remove impurities and pimples and reduces large pores. It gently cleanses and purifies the skin and does not cause any dryness to the skin....
Telofeel Micellar Water removes makeup and other impurities while moisturizing the skin without causing irritation. It does not clog pores, is suitable for all skin types, and leaves the skin refreshed. Telofeel Water is formulated with gentle natural ingredients, providing...
The Tobi Gent Pink Cleanser is characterized by the following: It has a unique foaming formula suitable for daily care of sensitive skin. It deeply cleanses the skin without clogging the pores. It contains antioxidants, which improve the appearance of...
Starville Whitening Cleanser is a foam cleanser that treats spots, acne marks, and pigmentation. It evens out skin tone and reduces melanin production (the substance that gives color to the skin), therefore it contains Alpha Arbutin, Glabridin, and Niacinamide. Usage...
It contains a unique dual-action formula that removes waterproof makeup, moisturizes and soothes the eyelashes and the area around the eyes. Also, marine collagen increases the elasticity of the area around the eyes. How to use: Shake the bottle well...
Say goodbye to stubborn makeup with water makeup remover. This gentle and effective formula is made with natural ingredients. It easily removes makeup and other impurities, while moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Its light formula is suitable for all skin...
The dry skin cleanser from Aligon is specially designed for normal/dry skin. It will gently cleanse and purify your skin thanks to its sulfate-free formula without stripping it of moisture. It features hyaluronic acid for skin hydration and ceramide to...
A foaming gel cleanser from Glamy Lab for oily and acne-prone skin helps to purify, cleanse, and effectively remove makeup. It removes impurities, dead skin, and excess oils, and cleans clogged pores without causing dryness. It contains tea tree oil...
It perfectly cleanses the skin and purifies it from impurities and dead cells without leaving the skin irritated or dry. Shan contains moisturizing ingredients that moisturize and sooth the skin (soap-free).
It works to lighten dark circles and reduces puffiness under the eyes, due to its content of Vitamin B3, which helps to brighten and smooth this area. Warnings: Avoid contact of the product with the eyes. Like any natural active...
Skin Side 3 in 1 Skin Brightening Cleanser with Vitamin C 150 ml. An advanced formula that provides 3 actions in one product: cleanser, exfoliator, and mask! A daily radiance booster that effectively brightens, cleanses, and exfoliates the skin. Contains...
With a rich formula of yogurt and cucumber, it works to restore the skin's balanced moisture level and reduces dryness. This blend gently and deeply cleanses the skin of all impurities and removes makeup, even waterproof mascara. Its unique, soap-free...
Eva Skin Clinic Collagen Facial Cleanser restores the skin's natural balance by removing excess buildup and oils, while also giving the skin radiance and a bright appearance. How to use: Wet the skin with water – apply an appropriate amount...
Why is Eva Skin Clinic's face wash and scrub with Vitamin C resistant to signs of aging? This foaming facial cleanser with exfoliating technology effectively cleanses the skin to help remove impurities and makeup residue while providing luxurious hydration and...
With a rich glycerin formula that moisturizes dry skin as much as it needs to restore its radiance and softness. This blend works to purify it from impurities and makeup, even waterproof mascara, as its unique soap-free formula is designed...
It helps reduce discomfort and itching after shaving, making it an essential part of your daily routine. A cleanser for the intimate area that is antibacterial and provides a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. It helps balance your natural pH...
سيروم لايت اب لتفتيح البشرة وتبييضها في 28 يومًا، مع مركب نانو وايت الذي يحتوي على ألفا أربوتين والجلوتاثيون وفيتامين سي المستقر.وبفضل النياسيناميد. فهو يتحكم في إفرازات الدهون الزائدة ويحفز إنتاج الكولاجين. كما أنه يحتوي على مركب من فيتامينات LPD...
يترك رائحة منعشة تدوم طوال اليوم يخفف من جفاف الجلد وجفافه طريقة الاستخدام: خففي مقدار 1 إلى 2 لتر من الماء الدافئ ثم اشطفيه جيدًا . المكونات: خلاصة الصبار – المنثول – الثيمول – خلاصة البابونج – زيت شجرة الشاي...
يترك رائحة منعشة تدوم طوال اليوم يخفف من جفاف الجلد وجفافه طريقة الاستخدام: خففي مقدار 1 إلى 2 لتر من الماء الدافئ ثم اشطفيه جيدًا . المكونات: خلاصة الصبار – المنثول – الثيمول – خلاصة البابونج – زيت شجرة الشاي...
جل منظف مثالي للبشرة العادية والجافة والبشرة الحساسة يزيل الأوساخ والمكياج وينقي البشرة دون الإضرار بالحاجز الواقي الطبيعي للبشرة. يترك البشرة رطبة بمظهر منتعش. طريقة الاستخدام: 1. رشي وجهك بالماء وضعي كمية صغيرة من جل التنظيف على أطراف أصابعك. 2....
يستخدم للتبييض والإضاءة وتوحيد لون البشرة. يمكن استخدامه تحت الإبط وخط البيكيني والمناطق الحميمة غسول مخصص لتفتيح المناطق الحساسة للبكيني و تحط الابط للسيطرة على التصبغ الناتج عن الحلاقة أو ملابس البوليستر مع تأثير hexylresorcinol ، مستخلص emlica ، allantoin,...
غسول فيتامين سي ينظف البشرة و يحافظ علي .PH يترك الجلد ناعم و صحى. يضئ البشرة لانة غنى بمضات الاكسدة.ويساعد على تفتيح البقع الداكنة طريقة الاستخدام : يستخدم علي يشرة مبللة مرة صباحا المكونات: زيت شجرة الشاي (Tea Tree Oil):...